Sunday 10:00-11:00am One-on-One Learning with Rabbinical students Monday 8:00-9:00pm The David Berg Lecture Series with Rabbi Raskin (can also be found on Tuesday 8:00-9:00pm Weekly Torah Portion with Rabbi Moshe Hubner Wednesday 9:15-10:00am Women’s roundtable study group (continental Breakfast) with Rabbi Raskin 1:00-1:50pm Lunch & Learn (men only) | 26 Court Street #20 (followed by mincha) with Rabbi Yankel Raskin 8:00-9:00pm Teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe (M.M Scheerson) with Rabbi Raskin Thursday 8:00-9:00pm Call for more info Shabbat 9:00-9:45am Chassidic Philosophy with Rabbi Raskin 30 mins before Mincha Rambam: Chapter of the day with Rabbi Raskin after Mincha Ethics of Our Fathers with Rabbi Raskin